Another Huntington visit - 27 June 2008
We made another of our (almost yearly) pilgrimages to Pasadena's Huntington Library gardens yesterday. There were several species of cereus in bloom, and I took plenty of pictures, only to find the SanDisk CompactFlash card on which they should have been stored essentially empty. Not a single picture. This was a brand new card, which I tested prior to use. The other new card, purchased at the same time, functioned properly, as did the older cards (all SanDisk) I pressed into service. So, as a result, no cereus pictures from the Desert Garden this time around. I wish I knew what happened...
So, our tour today starts with the Lily Pond, which was the main center of attention. The pond was quite still, allowing for some nice reflections off its surface...

We don't recall seeing these huge lotus flowers in our previous visits - at least they were not in bloom...

Also at the Lily Pond, an insect alights on a lotus flower bud...

...while in the water, a turtle swam placidly...

Labels: Huntington lilies lotus