A surprise bloom 10-15-2005
The cereus plant appears to have forgotten which time zone it is in. Last night (10/14), I checked the plant before going to sleep, and judged that one of the two remaining developments would bloom on the evening of the 15th. I was up shortly after sunrise this morning, and looked at the plant again. No bloom during the night. I happened to look out again about two hours later, and to my surprise saw a fully opened flower! This flower opened after sunrise. Here is a picture of it...

This may have happened before. Several times, I have checked the plant before midnight when I suspected a bloom was imminent, only to judge the flower would open the following night. I'd look again the next afternoon, however, only to find an already spent flower. Obviously, the flower opened in the interim, well after midnight. Perhaps it even waited until after daybreak. I recall this was more likely to happen late in the season... like this time of year.
Hey, I had a pleasant surprise this morning around 9AM when I raised the blinds and looked out on the patio. There in full bloom was this beautiful flower, my night-blooming cereus.
I suppose it is as confused as the rest of us post "Katrina".
A in Mississippi
I just had to say "GO ILLINI"...two of my kids graduated from the U of I, one in nuclear engineering, the other with a degree in art history and museum education. YAY.
I am watching my first cereus bud form!! So excited. I have been to your website several times to glean information! Want to say thank you for all your postings! I'm trying to decide when/if I need to stay up to watch this thing.
30 Oct 2005 Two beautiful blooms yesterday morning...and 4 young buds yet to mature...had 2 blooms earlier this fall. I'm surprised to be so sucessful here in Northeastern Oklahoma! Many years ago,when I lived in Honolulu,stone walls were often seen covered with blooms in the evening and it wasn't necessary to bring the plants in for winter!
I don't know if my plant is a cereus. Its much alike, maybe I can send it to you by email. I live in Mexico. The pictures I saw of yours are gorgeous!
Hi Leonor: You can send some pictures to me if you wish. A number of very different plants have very similar flowers. Some of them are spiny cacti, but mine has flat, smooth leaves.
Please note: Anyone who wishes to receive a reply from me should NOT post anonymous comments. Chances are, I won't see them and won't be able to reply. This was a fluke.
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